O'r Ddarllenfa
Y newyddion diweddaraf o Gadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor a Bro Deiniol
Hysbys wythnosol
Dros yr wythons ddiwethaf yn y Gadeirlan...
Y Sul hwn a'r wythnos o'n blaenau...

Dygwyl y Meirw
Bu’n coffadwriaeth o’r Holl Eneidiau gyda Chymun ar Gân dros y Meirw nos Fercher 2 Tachwedd, gyda’r Côr yn canu gosodiad John Rutter o’r Requiem, yn oedfa o bwys ger bron cynulledifa deilwng. Mae’n diolch yn fawr i’n cerddorion gwadd a’r rhai o bob cwr o deulu’r Gadeirlan a fu’n cynorthwyo gyda’r addoliad a’r lletygarwch ar y noson.
Gosber ar Gân
Da oedd croesawu Côr Eglwys y Santes Fair, Conwy i ymuno â Chôr y Gadeirlan yn y Gosber ar Gân y Sul diwethaf. Edrychwn ymlaen at gydweithio pellach yn y dyfodol.

Sul y Cofio
Y Sul nesaf, ar Sul y Cofio, disodlir ein Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a’r Choral Holy Eucharist gan Wasanaeth Coffa Dinas Bangor, sy’n dechrau yn y Gadeirlan am 10am, ac yn gorffen wrth y Gofeb â’r Ddau Funud o Dawelwch a’r Gosod Torchau o 11am.
Cynhelir Defod Goffa fer, dan arweiniad y Canon Canghellor a’r Canon Bencantor gyda Chôr y Gadeirlan, ym mhresenoldeb Arglwydd Raglaw Ei Fawrhydi ddydd Gwener 11 Tachwedd am 11am wrth y Gofeb.
Sunday Worship ar Radio 4
Ein Hesgob Cynorthwyol sy'n arwain Sunday Worship ar Radio 4 fore Sul – a gellir gwrando eto ar-lein. Recordiwyd yr addoliad ar lethrau’r Wyddfa, ac mae’n cynnwys Côr y Gadeirlan yn canu’r emynau. Diolch i’n cerddorion am roi o’u hamser i deithio i Eryri i fod yn rhan o’r darllediad.
Datganiadau Paned
Pob dydd Iau
11.15am am 45 munud
Paned a chacen o 10.45am
10 Tachwedd | Joe Cooper | Trombôn
Mae Joe Cooper, Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd y Gadeirlan, yn perfformio gweithiau rhamantus ar gyfer y trombôn, gan gynnwys gwaith cyfansoddwyr fel Mahler, Rimsky-Korsakov a Guilmant.
Yn Storiel, “Angerdd am Lyfrau”
Mae ein cymdogion, Storiel, yn cynnal Darlithoedd Shankland Prifysgol Bangor eleni fel cyfres o sgyrsiau amser cinio dydd Gwener (12.30pm-1.30pm) ar drysorau o Lyfrgell y Brifysgol. Ddydd Gwener nesaf, 11 Tachwedd, bydd Helen Wilcox, ffrind i’r Gadeirlan, yn siarad am Coryat’s Crudities, llyfr teithio o ddechrau’r 17eg ganrif.
Buchedd Bangor
Pedwerydd rhifyn cylchgrawn newydd Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor
Mae’r rhifyn hwn yn gydymaith i’r fisoedd yr haf. Fe geir ynddo gymysgedd o ddefnydd ysbrydol a gwybodaeth ymarferol am ein bywyd ar y cyd.
Cliciwch ar y llun uchod i ddarllen copi.
Y bwriad yw cyhoeddi pum rhifyn o Buchedd Bangor dros y flwyddyn, a phob un yn cyd-fynd â chyfnod penodol ym mywyd addoli’r Gadeirlan, ac â chyfres o bregethau ar fore Sul i’n tywys drwy’r cyfnod hwnnw.
Ewch â chopi i eraill fel cyflwyniad i fywyd a bwrlwm y Gadeirlan.
Mae popeth sy’n digwydd yn y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol yn cael ei gynnal gan eich haelioni chi. Trwy roi rhodd, rydych yn ein helpu i barhau â’n gwaith hanfodol.
Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am O'r Ddarllenfa ac hysbysiadau eraill o'r Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol
Hollalluog Dduw, a ysbrydolaist dy esgob Deiniol i gasglu o’i gwmpas gymuned o Gristnogion i gyd-fyw bywyd cytun; caniatâ i ni, sy’n anrhydeddu’r cof amdano, weithio i atgyfnerthu teulu dy Eglwys mewn ffydd, gobaith a chariad; trwy Iesu Grist ein Gwaredwr. Amen.
From the Lectern
The latest news from Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor and the Ministry Area of Bro Deiniol
Weekly notices
From this past week at the Cathedral...
This Sunday and the week ahead...

All Souls Day
Our Commemoration of All Souls with a Choral Requiem Eucharist on 2 November, which featured a rendition of John Rutter’s setting of the Requiem, was a dignified and well-attended service. Our thanks to visiting musicians and those across the Cathedral family who assisted with worship and hospitality on the evening.
Choral Evensong
It was wonderful to welcome the Choir of St Mary’s Church, Conwy to join their voices with those of the Cathedral Choir at Evensong last Sunday evening. We look forward to further collaborations in the future.

Remembrance Sunday
Next Sunday, on Remembrance Sunday, our Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân and our Choral Holy Eucharist are replaced by the City of Bangor Remembrance Service, which starts in the Cathedral at 10am, and ends at the War Memorial with the Two Minutes’ Silence and Wreath Laying from 11am.
A short Act of Remembrance, led by the Canon Chancellor and the Canon Precentor with the Cathedral Choir, will take place in the presence of His Majesty’r Lord-Lietuenant on Friday 11 November at 11am at the War Memorial.
Sunday Worship on Radio 4
Our Assistant Bishop leads Sunday Worship on Radio 4 this Sunday – and it’s possible to listen again online. The act of worship was recorded on Snowdon’s slopes, and features our Cathedral Choir singing the hymnody. Our thanks to our musicians for giving of their time to travel to Snowdonia to play their part in the broadcast.
Coffee-break Recitals
11.15am for 45 minutes
Tea, coffee and cake from 10.45am
10 November | Joe Cooper | Trombone
Joe Cooper, Director of Music at the Cathedral, performs romantic works for the trombone, featuring composers such as Mahler, Rimsky-Korsakov and Guilmant.
At Storiel, “A Passion for Books” lunchtime talks
Our neighbours, Storiel, are hosting this year’s Bangor University Shankland Lectures as a series of Friday lunchtime talks (12.30pm-1.30pm) on treasures from the University Library. This coming Friday 11 November sees Helen Wilcox, a friend of the Cathedral, speaking about Coryat’s Crudities, an early 17th century travelogue.
Buchedd Bangor
The fourth edition of Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral in Bangor's new magazine
This fourth edition is a companion to the summer months. It offers a mixture of devotional material and practical knowledge about our life together.
Click on the image above to read a copy.
The intention is to publish five issues of Buchedd Bangor over the course of the year, each coinciding with a specific period in the Cathedral’s worshipping life, and complementing a series of Sunday morning sermons that will guide us through each period.
All that takes place at the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol, is sustained by your generosity. By making a donation, you help us to continue our essential work.
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Almighty God, who inspired your bishop Deiniol to gather around him a community to live the common life: grant that we, who honour his memory, may work to build up the family of your Church in faith and hope and love; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.