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Palmwydd Sul y Blodau | Palms at the Nave Altar-Table

O'r Ddarllenfa

Y newyddion diweddaraf o Gadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor a Bro Deiniol

Hysbys wythnosol

Yr Wythnos Fawr a’r Tridiau

11 Ebrill | Dydd Llun y Deml
11 April | Temple Monday

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân y Crism | Choral Holy Eucharist of the Chrism

Missa Sancti Joannis de Deo, Haydn
Panis Angelicus, Franck
Exultate, Kelly

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid | Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Y Parchg Ddr John Prysor-Jones yn pregethu | The Revd Dr John Prysor-Jones preaching
Messe Basse, Fauré
The Crown of Thorns, Tchaikovsky
Tantum Ergo, Fauré

12 Ebrill | Dydd Mawrth Ffigys
12 April | Fig Tuesday

Litani ar Gân | Sung Litany

Cymun Bendigaid | Holy Eucharist

Missa Deus genitor alme

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid | Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Y Tra Parchg Athro Gordon McPhate yn pregethu | The Very Revd Prof. Gordon McPhate preaching
Missa l’hora passa, Viadana
Ave Verum, Byrd
Tantum Ergo, de Severac

13 Ebrill | Dydd Mercher Ysbïo
13 April | Spy Wednesday

Litani ar Gân | Sung Litany

Cymun Bendigaid | Holy Eucharist

Missa Deus genitor alme

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid | Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Y Canon dros Fywyd Cynulleidfaol yn pregethu | The Canon for Congregational Life preaching
Mass for Three Voices, Byrd
O sacrum convivum, Byrd
Tantum Ergo, Bruckner

14 Ebrill | Dydd Iau Cablyd
14 April | Maundy Thursday

Datganiad | Recital

Cymun Bendigaid Dydd Iau yr Wythnos Fawr | Holy Eucharist of Thursday of Holy Week

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân y Swper Olaf | Choral Holy Eucharist of the Last Supper

Yr Is-Ddeon yn pregethu | The Sub-Dean preaching
Yn G | in G minor, Vaughan Williams
Ubi caritas, Duruflé
Tantum ergo, Duruflé

Gwylfa Gethsemane | The Watch of Gethsemane

Cwplin y Dioddefaint | Compline of the Passion

Nunc dimittis, Plaengan | Plainsong
Christus factus est, Plaengan | Plainsong

15 Ebrill | Dydd Gwener y Groglith
15 April | Good Friday

Nid oes gwasanaeth am 12.30pm
There is no service at 12.30pm

Litwrgi Dioddefaint Crist | Liturgy of Christ’s Passion

Dioddefaint Sant Ioan | Saint John Passion, Victoria
Ceryddiaethau | Reproaches, Victoria
Crux fidelis, John IV


16 Ebrill | Noswyl y Pasg
16 April | Easter Eve

Nid oes gwasanaeth am 12.30pm
There is no service at 12.30pm

Gwylnos, Glân Fedydd, Bedydd Esgob, a Chymun Bendigaid Cyntaf y Pasg ar Gân | Choral Vigil, Holy Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist of Easter

Missa Brevis, Dove
Seek him that maketh the seven stars, Dove
Alleluia, Dubois

17 Ebrill | Sul y Pasg
17 April | Easter Day

Holy Eucharist

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân

Archesgob Cymru yn pregethu
Erscheined ist der herrlich tag, Walther
Offeren y Coroni yn C, Mozart
Haleliwia!, Handel
Offertoire sur “O Filii”, Guilmant

Choral Holy Eucharist

The Archbishop of Wales preaching
Saraband for the morning of Easter, Howells
Coronation Mass in C, Mozart
Fantasy: Easter, Harris

Gosber ar Gân | Choral Evensong

Ymatebion | Responses, Rose
Yn A | In A, Stanford
Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem, Stanford
Variations on an Easter Theme, Rutter

Canon Tertius

Mae’n bleser gennym, yn Gosber ar Gân Sul Blodau, groesawu’r Archesgob a Canon Kim Williams, a fydd yn cael ei gosod yn Ganon Tertius. Roedd penodiad Canon Williams yn un o’r rhai a gyhoeddwyd yr haf diwethaf, ond mae’r gosodiad wedi’i ohirio tan yn awr. Mae’n dda y bydd teulu Canon Williams ac aelodau cynulleidfaoedd Bro Eifionydd yn gallu ymuno â ni.

Cymuno o’r Gwerthfawr Waed

O Gymun Bendigaid Cyntaf y Pasg, bydd gwahoddiad i bawb Gymuno o’r Gwerthfawr Waed. Mae’n achos llawenydd bod modd adfer yr arfer hwn ar ôl cynfod cyhyd o ymwrthod. Pan weinyddir y Cymun, bydd dwy Gwpan, ar y naill ochr a’r llall i’r offeiriad, a gwahoddir pawb i yfed o’r Gwpan. Ni chaniteir cadw’r Afrlladen a’i gwlychu yn y Gwpan. Nid oes rhaid i unrhywun Gymuno o’r Gwerthfawr Waed – mae’n ddealladwy na fydd pawb yn teimlo’n gyfforddus yn gwneud hynny ar hyn o bryd; ac mae Cymuno o’r Afrlladen Sagrafennol yn unig yn gymwys ac yn gyflawn.


Mae cynifer o’n cynulledifa a’n gweinidogion, yn ogystal â rhai o’n cerddorion, yn hunan-ynysu oherwydd prawf Cofid positif. Cynhaliwn hwy yn ein gweddïau, a dymuno gwellhád buan i’r rhai sy’n dioddef o symtomau’r firws. Ac eithrio man newidiadau, mae’n dda inni allu gweinyddu’r cyanfrwydd o’n defodau, ac mae’n diolch yn fawr i bawb a gefnogodd yr achos.

Y diweddar Tra Pharchg Trevor Evans | The late Very Revd Trevor Evans

Darlithoedd cyhoeddus

Mae’n bleser gennym lansio pedair darlith gyhoeddus flynyddol newydd am y tro cyntaf eleni, pob un ohonynt yn cael eu cynnal er cof am ffigurau pwysig o fywyd y Gadeirlan a’r esgobaeth. Mae pob un o’r darlithoedd yn dechrau am 6.30pm, gyda Gosber ar Gân o’i flaen am 5.30pm a derbyniad gwin o 6pm.

5 Mai
Darlith Goffa’r Dr Enid Pierce Roberts ar Hanes a Diwylliant Cymru

Yr Athro Richard Wyn Jones
Pam fod Llafur yn ennill eto ac eto ac eto? Deall canrif o lwyddiant etholiadol yng Nghymru

19 Mai
Darlith Goffa y Tra Pharchg Trevor Evans ar Genhadaeth ac Efengylu

Y Parchg Ganon Mark Clavier
Anglicaniaid bwriadol, nid Anglicaniaid hap a damwain: Yr hyn y gall Anglicaniaid byd-eang ei ddysgu inni am weinidogaeth a chenhadaeth

13 Hydref
Darlith Goffa y Parchg Ddr Margaret Thrall ar Ddiwinyddiaeth a’i Arfer

Y Parchg Jarel Robinson Brown
O Calchedon i Minneapolis: Crist a’r corff Du anghaffaeladwy

27 Hydref
Darlith Goffa y Gwir Barchg Anthony Crockett ar Eglwysoleg a Hanes yr Eglwys

Canon Janet Gough
Beth yw’r ots gennyf i am y Fictoriaid? George Gilbert Scott a phensaernïaeth eglwysig Fictoraidd

Datganiadau Paned

11.15am am 45 munud
Paned a chacen o 10.45am

14 Ebrill | Pedwarawd Farrenc | Pedwarawd llinynnol
Pedwarawd llinynnol o Orllewin Canolbarth Lloegr yw Pedwarawd Farrenc, sy’n cyflwyno datganiad o weithiau myfyriol a dwys ar gyfer Dydd Iau Cablyd.

Buchedd Bangor

Ail rifyn cylchgrawn newydd Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor

Mae’r rhifyn hwn yn gydymaith i’r cyfnod o Chwefror hyd y Tridiau Sanctaidd. Fe geir ynddo gymysgedd o ddefnydd ysbrydol a gwybodaeth ymarferol am ein bywyd ar y cyd.

Cliciwch ar y llun uchod i ddarllen copi.

Y bwriad yw cyhoeddi pum rhifyn o Buchedd Bangor dros y flwyddyn, a phob un yn cyd-fynd â chyfnod penodol ym mywyd addoli’r Gadeirlan, ac â chyfres o bregethau ar fore Sul i’n tywys drwy’r cyfnod hwnnw.

Ewch â chopi i eraill fel cyflwyniad i fywyd a bwrlwm y Gadeirlan.


Mae popeth sy’n digwydd yn y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol yn cael ei gynnal gan eich haelioni chi. Trwy roi rhodd, rydych yn ein helpu i barhau â’n gwaith hanfodol.

Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am O'r Ddarllenfa ac hysbysiadau eraill o'r Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol

Hollalluog Dduw, a ysbrydolaist dy esgob Deiniol i gasglu o’i gwmpas gymuned o Gristnogion i gyd-fyw bywyd cytun; caniatâ i ni, sy’n anrhydeddu’r cof amdano, weithio i atgyfnerthu teulu dy Eglwys mewn ffydd, gobaith a chariad; trwy Iesu Grist ein Gwaredwr. Amen.

From the Lectern

The latest news from Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor and the Ministry Area of Bro Deiniol

Weekly notices

Holy Week & the Sacred Triduum

11 Ebrill | Dydd Llun y Deml
11 April | Temple Monday

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân y Crism | Choral Holy Eucharist of the Chrism

Missa Sancti Joannis de Deo, Haydn
Panis Angelicus, Franck
Exultate, Kelly

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid | Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Y Parchg Ddr John Prysor-Jones yn pregethu | The Revd Dr John Prysor-Jones preaching
Messe Basse, Fauré
The Crown of Thorns, Tchaikovsky
Tantum Ergo, Fauré

12 Ebrill | Dydd Mawrth Ffigys
12 April | Fig Tuesday

Litani ar Gân | Sung Litany

Cymun Bendigaid | Holy Eucharist

Missa Deus genitor alme

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid | Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Y Tra Parchg Athro Gordon McPhate yn pregethu | The Very Revd Prof. Gordon McPhate preaching
Missa l’hora passa, Viadana
Ave Verum, Byrd
Tantum Ergo, de Severac

13 Ebrill | Dydd Mercher Ysbïo
13 April | Spy Wednesday

Litani ar Gân | Sung Litany

Cymun Bendigaid | Holy Eucharist

Missa Deus genitor alme

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid | Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Y Canon dros Fywyd Cynulleidfaol yn pregethu | The Canon for Congregational Life preaching
Mass for Three Voices, Byrd
O sacrum convivum, Byrd
Tantum Ergo, Bruckner

14 Ebrill | Dydd Iau Cablyd
14 April | Maundy Thursday

Datganiad | Recital

Cymun Bendigaid Dydd Iau yr Wythnos Fawr | Holy Eucharist of Thursday of Holy Week

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân y Swper Olaf | Choral Holy Eucharist of the Last Supper

Yr Is-Ddeon yn pregethu | The Sub-Dean preaching
Yn G | in G minor, Vaughan Williams
Ubi caritas, Duruflé
Tantum ergo, Duruflé

Gwylfa Gethsemane | The Watch of Gethsemane

Cwplin y Dioddefaint | Compline of the Passion

Nunc dimittis, Plaengan | Plainsong
Christus factus est, Plaengan | Plainsong

15 Ebrill | Dydd Gwener y Groglith
15 April | Good Friday

Nid oes gwasanaeth am 12.30pm
There is no service at 12.30pm

Litwrgi Dioddefaint Crist | Liturgy of Christ’s Passion

Dioddefaint Sant Ioan | Saint John Passion, Victoria
Ceryddiaethau | Reproaches, Victoria
Crux fidelis, John IV


16 Ebrill | Noswyl y Pasg
16 April | Easter Eve

Nid oes gwasanaeth am 12.30pm
There is no service at 12.30pm

Gwylnos, Glân Fedydd, Bedydd Esgob, a Chymun Bendigaid Cyntaf y Pasg ar Gân | Choral Vigil, Holy Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist of Easter

Missa Brevis, Dove
Seek him that maketh the seven stars, Dove
Alleluia, Dubois

17 Ebrill | Sul y Pasg
17 April | Easter Day

Holy Eucharist

Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân

Archesgob Cymru yn pregethu
Erscheined ist der herrlich tag, Walther
Offeren y Coroni yn C, Mozart
Haleliwia!, Handel
Offertoire sur “O Filii”, Guilmant

Choral Holy Eucharist

The Archbishop of Wales preaching
Saraband for the morning of Easter, Howells
Coronation Mass in C, Mozart
Fantasy: Easter, Harris

Gosber ar Gân | Choral Evensong

Ymatebion | Responses, RoseYn A | In A, Stanford
Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem, Stanford
Variations on an Easter Theme, Rutter

Canon Tertius

We're delighted, at Evensong, to welcome the Archbishop and Canon Kim Williams, who will be installed as Canon Tertius. Canon Williams's appointment was one of those announced last summer, but the installation has been delayed until this evening. It is good that Canon Williams's family and congregants from Bro Eifionydd will be able to join us.

Communion of the Precious Blood

From the First Holy Eucharist of Easter, everyone will be invited to make their Communion of the Precious Blood. It is a joy that this practice can be restored after so long a period of abstinence. When we will make our Communion during Eastertide, there will be two Chalices, on either side of the priest, and everyone is invited to drink from the Chalice. Retaining the Host and intincting (dipping) it in the Chalice will not be permitted. No-one should feel forced to Commune from the Precious Blood – it is entirely understandable that not everyone will feel comfortable doing so right now; and Communion of the Sacramental Host only is acceptable and sufficient.


Members of our congragation and ministry team, as well as some of our musicians, are self-isolating at present due to a positive Covid test. We hold them in our prayers, and send our best wishes for a speedy recovery to those suffering from the virus’s symptoms. It is good that we have been able to continue with all of our observances with only minor changes, and are grateful to all who have contributed.

Y Parchg Ganon | The Revd Canon Mark Clavier

Public lectures

We’re delighted to be hosting four new annual public lectures for the first time this year, each of them held in memory of impoertant figures from the life of the Catherdral and the diocese. 

Each of the lectures begins at 6.30pm, preceded by Choral Evensong at 5.30pm and a wine reception from 6pm.

5 May
The Dr Enid Pierce Roberts Memorial Lecture in Welsh History and Culture

Professor Richard Wyn Jones
Why does Labour win again and again and again? Understanding a century of electoral success in Wales

19 May
The Very Revd Trevor Evans Memorial Lecture in Mission and Evangelism

The Revd Canon Mark Clavier
Anglicans by intention rather than by accident: What global Anglicans can teach us about ministry and mission

13 October
The Revd Dr Margaret Thrall Memorial Lecture in Theology and Praxis

The Revd Jarel Robinson Brown
From Chalcedon to Minneapolis: Christ and the elusive Black body

27 October
The Rt Revd Anthony Crockett Memorial Lecture in Ecclesiology and Church History

Canon Janet Gough
What have the Victorians ever done for us? George Gilbert Scott and Victorian church architecture

Coffee-break Recitals

11.15am for 45 minutes
Tea, coffee and cake from 10.45am

14 April | Farrenc Quartet | Strig quartet
West Midlands-based string quartet the Farrenc Quartet present a recital of contemplative and solemn works for Maundy Thursday.

Buchedd Bangor

The second edition of Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral in Bangor's new magazine

This second edition is a companion to the period from February until the Sacred Triduum. It offers a mixture of devotional material and practical knowledge about our life together.

Click on the image above to read a copy.

The intention is to publish five issues of Buchedd Bangor over the course of the year, each coinciding with a specific period in the Cathedral’s worshipping life, and complementing a series of Sunday morning sermons that will guide us through each period.


All that takes place at the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol, is sustained by your generosity. By making a donation, you help us to continue our essential work.

Subscribe to receive email notification of From the Lectern and other announcements from the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol

Almighty God, who inspired your bishop Deiniol to gather around him a community to live the common life: grant that we, who honour his memory, may work to build up the family of your Church in faith and hope and love; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.