O'r Ddarllenfa
Y newyddion diweddaraf o Gadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor a Bro Deiniol

Hysbys wythnosol
Holl Saint Cymru
Mae’r pedwar Sul cyn yr Adfent yn ffurfio tymor sy’n fyw â choffâd a diolchgarwch am ffyddlondeb yr oesoedd a fu. Mae’r pedair wythnos yn dechrau gyda Gŵyl yr Holl Saint ac yn gorffen ymhen pythefnos gyda Gŵyl Crist y Brenin. Rhwng y gwleddau hyn, ceir Sul y Cofio, a phedwerydd Sul yr ydym yn ei ddathlu fel Gŵyl Holl Saint Cymru. Dyma gyfle i ddiolch am y rhai sydd, yn y wlad hon ac yn ein llannau ni, wedi bod tystiolaethu â’u buchedd i ffydd a gobaith a chariad Duw dros y canrifoedd.
Sul y Cofio
Y Sul nesaf 14 Tachwedd, bydd ein gwasanaethau Cymun corawl yn cael eu disodli gan Wasanaeth Coffa am 10am, a fydd yn diweddu wrth y Gofeb. Bydd Maer Bangor yn bresennol, a bydd yr Esgob yn pregethu.

Aelodau newydd y Côr
Hyfryd oedd croesawu Coryddion, Ysgolheigion y Gân a'n Hysgolhaig yr Organ newydd yng ngwasanaethau'r Sul diwethaf. Gwelir ein pedwar Corydd newydd yma ar ôl derbyn y Wenwisg. Ein llongyfarchiadau iddyn nhw i gyd, a'n diolch am bopeth maen nhw'n ei gyfrannu.
Coffadwriaeth yr Holl Eneidiau
Bu’n Cymun Bendigaid Dros y Meirw y dydd Iau diwethaf hwn yn goffâd teilwng. Braf oedd gweld Corff yr Eglwys yn llawn golau cannwyll cynulleidfaol. Roedd yn fraint inni gynnal mewn gweddi y cynifer y gofynnwyd am weddi drostynt. Ac roedd yn aruthrol cael ein haddoliad wedi ei gyfoethogi gan berfformiad o Requiem Fauré, wedi’i ganu gan Gôr y Gadeirlan, i gyfeiliant cerddorfa. Mae diolch yn fawr i’n cerddorion, ac i bawb a baratôdd y Gadeirlan ar gyfer y coffâd.
Gosber ar Gân
Da oedd dychwelyd i’n patrwm o offrymu Gosber ar Gân er gogoniant i Dduw am 3.30pm y Sul diwethaf. Cefnogwch y gwasanaethau Gosber hyn gyda’ch presenoldeb, a dewch â ffrindiau gyda chi i rannu yn yr addoliad cyfoethog hwn.
Goleuadau yng Nghorff yr Eglwys a’r Eiliau
Da yw deall y bydd y gwaith i adnewyddu’r goleuadau yng Nghorff yr Eglwys a’r Eiliau, gan osod gwifrau newydd, yn dechrau’r wythnos hon. Bydd y gwaith yn cymryd tua phythefnos, ac yn ystod yr amser hwnnw bydd sgaffaldiau symudol yng Nghorff yr Eglwys. Gobeithiwn gadw anghyfleustra i’r lleiafswm. Bydd y goleuadau yn y Gysegrfa a’r Ysgol Gân hefyd yn cael eu hadnewyddu. Rydym yn ddiolchgar i Simon Malam, Pensaer y Gadeirlan, a’i gydweithiwr, Twm Harris-Davies, am eu cydlyniant o’r prosiect.
O’r Adfent hyd Gŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau
Ar Ŵyl Crist y Brenin, byddwn yn cyhoeddi rhifyn cyntaf ein cylchgrawn, Buchedd Bangor. Bydd yn cynnwys manylion llawn y dyefodau i’w hoffrymu a’u dathlu o Sul yr Adfent (28 Tachwedd) hyd Ŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau (30 Ionawr).
Yn y cyfamser, gwnewch nodyn o’r dair defod yng ngolau cannwyll a gynhelir ar nosweithiau Sul yn ystod y cyfnod hwn. Ni fydd Gosber ar Gân yn cael ei offrymu ar y Suliau hyn.
Defod y Goleuni
Llithoedd a Charolau’r Adfent
yng Ngolau Cannwyll
28 Tachwedd am 5.30pm
Defod Gobaith
Llithoedd a Charolau’r Nadolig
yng Ngolau Cannwyll
19 Rhagfyr am 5.30pm
Defod Sancteiddrwydd
Llithoedd a Charolau’r Ystwyll
yng Ngolau Cannwyll
9 Ionawr am 5.30pm
Bedydd Esgob
Bydd yr Esgob yn gweinidogaethu Bedydd Esgob yng Ngwylnos y Pasg a Chymun Cyntaf y Pasg. Os hoffech chi archwilio’r posibilrwydd o gael eich Cadarnhau drwy Fedydd Esgob, siaradwch ag aelod o dîm y Gadeirlan.

Llyfryn Hydref 2021
Mynnwch gopi o’r llyfryn Hydref 2021, sy’n cynnwys llythyr oddi wrth yr Is-Ddeon, cynlluniau am y misoedd nesaf, apeliadau am gymorth, ac amlinelliad o’n defodau tan Ŵyl Crist y Brenin.
Ar y Sul
Mae'n patrwm addoli yng Nghadeirlan Deiniol Sant ar y Sul fel a ganlyn:
- dathliad o’r Holy Eucharist am 8.15am (oedfa Saesneg)
- dathliad o’r Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân am 9.15am (yn llawen, yn lliwgar ac yn gerddorol yng Nghorff yr Eglwys; oedfa Gymraeg)
- dathliad o’r Choral Holy Eucharist am 11am (eto, yn llawen, yn lliwgar ac yn gerddorol yng Nghorff yr Eglwys; oedfa Saesneg)
- offrymiad o’r Gosber ar Gân | Choral Evensong am 3.30pm (yn draddodiadol, yn ddirdynnol ac yn gerddorol yn Seddi'r Cwîr a'r Seintwar; oedfa ddwyieithog).
Caiff paned ei weini rhwng y Cymun 9.15am ac 11am – gyda gwahoddiad i aros ar ôl y Cymun 9.15am, neu ddod yn gynnar ar gyfer y Cymun 11am; bydd diodydd oer yn cael eu gweini ar ôl y Cymun 11am.
Mae popeth sy’n digwydd yn y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol yn cael ei gynnal gan eich haelioni chi. Trwy roi rhodd, rydych yn ein helpu i barhau â’n gwaith hanfodol.
Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am O'r Ddarllenfa ac hysbysiadau eraill o'r Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol
Hollalluog Dduw, a ysbrydolaist dy esgob Deiniol i gasglu o’i gwmpas gymuned o Gristnogion i gyd-fyw bywyd cytun; caniatâ i ni, sy’n anrhydeddu’r cof amdano, weithio i atgyfnerthu teulu dy Eglwys mewn ffydd, gobaith a chariad; trwy Iesu Grist ein Gwaredwr. Amen.
From the Lectern
The latest news from Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor and the Ministry Area of Bro Deiniol

Weekly notices
The Saints of Wales
The four Sundays before Advent form a season alive with commemoration and thanksgiving for the faithfulness of ages past. The four weeks begin with the Feast of All Saints and conclude in a fortnight’s time with the Feast of Christ the King. In between fall Remembrance Sunday, and a fourth Sunday, which we celebrate as the Feast of the Saints of Wales. It is an opportunity to give thanks for those who, in this land and in our llannau, have borne witness to God’s faith and hope and love over the centuries.
Remembrance Sunday
Next Sunday 14 November, our choral Eucharist services are replaced by a 10am Service of Remembrance, which will conclude at the War Memorial. The Mayor of Bangor will be in attendance, and the Bishop will preach.

New members of the Choir
It was wonderful to welcome new Choristers, Choral Scholars and our Organ Scholar at last Sunday's services. Our four new Choristers are pictured here having received their Surplices. Our congratulations to them all, and our thanks for all that they contribute.
Commemoration of All Souls
Our Holy Eucharist of Requiem this past Thursday was a worthy commemoration. It was good to see the Nave filled with congregational candle-light. It was a privilege for us to hold in prayer those for whom prayer had been asked. And it was trmendous to have our worship enhanced by a rendition of Fauré’s Requiem, sung by the Cathedral Choir, accompanied by an orchestra. Thanks is due to our musicians, and to all who prepared the Cathedral for the commemoration.
Choral Evensong
It was also good to resume the offering of Evensong last Sunday at 3.30pm. Please support these Evensong services with your presence, and bring friends along to share in this enriching act of worship.
Lighting in the Nave and Aisles
It is such good news that works to replace the light fittings in the Nave and the Aisles, supported by new wiring, will finally begin this coming week. The works will take about a fortnight, during which time there will be moveable scaffolding in the Nave. We hope to keep in inconvenience to a minimum. The light fittings in the Sacristy and the Song School will also be renewed. We are grateful to Simon Malam, the Cathedral Architect, and his colleague, Twm Harris-Davies, for their coordiantion of the project.
Advent to Candlemas
On the Feast of Christ the King, we will be publishing the first edition of our magazine, Buchedd Bangor. It will contain full details of observances from Advent Sunday (28 November) to Candlemas (30 January).
In the meantime, please make a note of the three Sunday evening candle-lit ceremonies that will take place during this period. Choral Evensong will not be offered on these Sundays.
A Ceremony of Light
Advent Lessons and Carols by Candlelight
28 November at 5.30pm
A Ceremony of Hope
Christmas Lessons and Carols by Candlelight
19 December at 5.30pm
A Ceremony of Holiness
Epiphany Lessons and Carols by Candlelight
9 January at 5.30pm
The Bishop will minister Confirmation at the Easter Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter, to be celebrated at the Cathedral at 8pm on Saturday 16 April 2022. If you would like to explore the possibility of being Confirmed, please speak to a member of the Cathedral team.

Autumn 2021 booklet
Be sure to get a copy of the Autumn 2021 booklet, which includes a letter from the Sub-Dean, plans for the coming months, appeals for help, and an outline of our observances until the Feast of Christ the King.
On Sundays
Our pattern of worship at Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral consists of:
- a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8.15am (quietly in the Presbytery; an English-language service)
- a celebration of the Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân at 9.15am (joyfully, colourfully and musically in the Nave; a Welsh-language service)
- a celebration of the Choral Holy Eucharist at 11am (again, joyfully, colourfully and musically in the Nave; an English-language service)
- an offering of Gosber ar Gân | Choral Evensong at 3.30pm (traditionally, atmospherically and musically in the Quire & Presbytery Stalls; a bilingual service)
Coffee and tea are served between the 9.15am and 11am Eucharist – please stay after the 9.15am Eucharist, or come early for the 11am Eucharist; a drinks reception follows the 11am Eucharist.
All that takes place at the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol, is sustained by your generosity. By making a donation, you help us to continue our essential work.
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Almighty God, who inspired your bishop Deiniol to gather around him a community to live the common life: grant that we, who honour his memory, may work to build up the family of your Church in faith and hope and love; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.