O'r Ddarllenfa
Y newyddion diweddaraf o Gadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor a Bro Deiniol
Hysbys wythnosol
Ceremony of Carols
Benjamin Britten | Côr y Gadeirlan
Dydd Sadwrn 29 Ionawr am 5.30pm
Dewch i glywed lleisiau uchaf Côr y Gadeirlan mewn perfformiad ddirdynnol yng ngolau cannwyll o gylch rhyfeddol carolau a gweithiau eraill Benjamin Britten – y ffordd berffaith i ddod â Thymor y Nadolig i ben. Bydd Alys Bailey-Wood yn canu’r delyn. Tocynnau (£10 / £5 / plant yn rhad ac am ddim) ar gael ar y drws neu arlein fan hyn.
Camu o Ŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau tua’r Grawys
Ysgrifenna’r Is-Ddeon:
Mae Gŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau yn nodi diwedd ein dathliad o dymor y Dolig. Mae’n hyfryd ein bod wedi llwyddo i ddathlu Gŵyl Fair nid yn unig yn y Cymun ar y Sul, ond gyda pherfformiad ar Noswyl yr Ŵyl o waith campus Benjamin Britten, Ceremony of Carols.
I ni fel cymuned, mae Gŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau yn cloi tymor hirach, a ddechreuodd ar Sul yr Adfent. Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod prysur wrth i ni geisio myfyrio, mewn litwrgi, cerddoriaeth a gweddi, ar ddirgelwch Duw gyda ni. Mae hefyd wedi bod yn gyfnod pan mae ein bywyd ar y cyd fel cymuned addolgar wedi parhau i aeddfedu a sefydlogi. Nid yw hyn oll wedi digwydd heb waith caled sylweddol gan dîm y Gadeirlan ar ei ehangaf. Mae fy niolch ar ran cymuned y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol yn fawr i’n stiwardiaid, gweision bwrdd yr allor, cerddorion, pregethwyr ac offeiriaid. Yn y cefndir, ond yn hollbwysig, mae gweinidogaeth Banc Bwyd y Gadeirlan hefyd wedi bod ar ei phrysuraf; ac aiff fy niolch hefyd i’r tîm sy’n cynnal y weinidogaeth achubol honno.
Y Sul nesaf, byddwn yn dechrau pennod newydd, ar ffurf pedair wythnos yn arwain at y Grawys, tymor y Grawys ei hun, a’r Wythnos Fawr yn arwain at Sul y Pasg. Bydd rhifyn newydd o Buchedd Bangor, a fydd ar gael yn ystod yr wythnos hon, yn amlinellu ein holl ddefodau a dathliadau hyd at Ddydd y Pasg. Bydd hefyd yn cyflwyno’r gyfres bregethu, o’r enw “Yno bydd dy galon”, a fydd yn ganolbwynt i’n pregethu a’n dysgu dros y deg Sul nesaf.
Byddwch yn siwr o’m gweddïau drosoch chi fel aelodau cymuned y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol, wrth i ni barhau i gamu ymlaen mewn ffydd, gobaith a chariad, hyd at bopeth sydd o’n blaenau.
Datblygodd yr eglwys Geltaidd ganoloesol sefydliad nodedig, a elwid y clas – cymuned o glerigion yn cyd-fyw yn golegol o gylch eglwys, ac yn ymledu i bregethu a dysgu ledled ardal eang. Bu i “fangor” Deiniol rhywbeth o gymeriad y clas; a chlas Beuno yng Nghlynnog Fawr oedd un o clasau amlycaf yng Nghymru gyfan.
Rydym yn benthyca’r term Clas fel teitl ar gyfer fforwm Zoom bob pythefnos, a fydd yn ymgynnull ar ddydd Llun am 6.30pm, i roi cyfle inni ddysgu, trafod a myfyrio. Yn bennaf, bydd sesiynau Clas yn cynnwys yr Is-Ddeon ac aelodau eraill o dîm y Gadeirlan mewn sgwrs â gwestai, am eu bywyd neu bwnc penodol y maent yn arbenigwr arno. Yna bydd cyfle i holi a thrafod. Disgwyliwn i bob sesiwn bara rhwng 45 munud ac awr.
Ystyriwch ymuno â ni mewn sgwrs a myfyrdod. ID cyfarfod Zoom yw 857 3402 4520 a’r cod pas yw 606397, a bydd yr ystafell Zoom ar agor o 6.15pm. Mae’r tair sesiwn gyntaf yn sgyrsiau Saesneg; edrychwn ymlaen at ehangu’r ddarpariaeth dros yr wythnosau nesaf.
7 Chwefror
Y Canon dros Fywyd Cynulleidfaol a’r Is-Ddeon yn cyflwyno ein cyfres bregethu newydd, “Yno bydd dy galon”
21 Chwefror
Yr Is-Ddeon mewn sgwrs â Mary Stallard, Esgob Cynorthwyol newydd Bangor
7 Mawrth
Yr Is-Ddeon mewn sgwrs â Jordan Hillebert am fywyd a gwaith y diwinydd Henri de Lubac
Perfformiadau Dydd Iau
Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi lansio cyfres o Berfformiadau Dydd Iau newydd, gan ddechrau ym mis Chwefror.
Bydd detholiad 45 munud o gerddoriaeth yn cael ei berfformio bob dydd Iau am 11.15am gan orffen mewn pryd i fwynhau cinio yn y ddinas neu fynychu’r Cymun Bendigaid am 12.30pm. O 10.45am gweinir te, coffi a chacennau.
Bydd mynediad am ddim ond gwahoddir rhoddion.
Trwy gydol mis Chwefror mae’r perfformwyr o aelwyd y Gadeirlan:
3 Chwefror
Joe Cooper
Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd
10 Chwefror
Martin Brown
17 Chwefror
Sarah Jones
Pennaeth Datblygiad Corawl
24 Chwefror
Harry Sullivan
Ysgolhaig yr Organ
Gwnewch nodyn yn eich dyddiaduron, ac ymestynwch wahoddiad i eraill.
Buchedd Bangor
MaeCylchgrawn newydd Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor
Mae’r rhifyn cyntaf yn gydymaith i’r cyfnod o Sul yr Adfent (28 Tachwedd) tan ddiwedd tymor y Nadolig ar Ŵyl Fair y Canhwyllau (30 Ionawr). Fe geir ynddo gymysgedd o ddefnydd ysbrydol a gwybodaeth ymarferol am ein bywyd ar y cyd.
Cliciwch ar y llun uchod i ddarllen copi.
Y bwriad yw cyhoeddi pum rhifyn o Buchedd Bangor dros y flwyddyn, a phob un yn cyd-fynd â chyfnod penodol ym mywyd addoli’r Gadeirlan, ac â chyfres o bregethau ar fore Sul i’n tywys drwy’r cyfnod hwnnw.
Ewch â chopi i eraill fel cyflwyniad i fywyd a bwrlwm y Gadeirlan.
Mae popeth sy’n digwydd yn y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol yn cael ei gynnal gan eich haelioni chi. Trwy roi rhodd, rydych yn ein helpu i barhau â’n gwaith hanfodol.
Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am O'r Ddarllenfa ac hysbysiadau eraill o'r Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol
Hollalluog Dduw, a ysbrydolaist dy esgob Deiniol i gasglu o’i gwmpas gymuned o Gristnogion i gyd-fyw bywyd cytun; caniatâ i ni, sy’n anrhydeddu’r cof amdano, weithio i atgyfnerthu teulu dy Eglwys mewn ffydd, gobaith a chariad; trwy Iesu Grist ein Gwaredwr. Amen.
From the Lectern
The latest news from Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor and the Ministry Area of Bro Deiniol
Weekly notices
Ceremony of Carols
Benjamin Britten | The Cathedral Choir
Saturday 29 January at 7.30pm
Come to hear the upper voices of the Cathedral Choir in an atmospheric, candle-lit performance of Benjamin Britten’s wonderful cycle of carols and other works – the perfect way to bring Christmastide to a close. Tickets on the door or online here; £10 / £5 / children free.
From Candlemas into Lent
The Sub-Dean writes:
Candlemas Day marks the end of our celebration of Christmastide. It is wonderful that we have been able to celebrate the festival of Candlemas not only at the Eucharist on Sunday, but with a performance on Candlemas Eve of Britten’s Ceremony of Carols.
For us as a community, Candlemas concludes a longer season, that began on Advent Sunday. It has been a busy time as we have sought in liturgy, music and prayer to reflect on the mystery of God with us. It has also been a time when our common life as a worshipping community has continued to mature and stabilize. All of this has not happened without significant hard work from the Cathedral team at its broadest. My thanks on behalf of the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol community go to our stewards, servers, musicians, preachers and priests. In the background, but vitally, the ministry of the Cathedral Foodbank has also been at its busiest; my thanks also to the team who maintain its life-saving ministry.
Next Sunday, we begin a new chapter, in the form of four weeks leading up to Lent, the season of Lent itself, and Holy Week leading up to Easter Day. A new edition of Buchedd Bangor, available during the coming week, will outline all our observances and celebrations up until Easter Day. It will also introduce the sermon series, entitled “Where the heart is”, which will provide a focus for our preaching and learning over the coming ten Sundays.
Please be assured of my prayers for your as a Cathedral and Bro Deiniol community, as we continue to step forward in faith, hope and love, into all that lies ahead.
The medieval Celtic church developed a distinctive institution, called the clas – a community of clergy living together collegially around a church, and spreading out to preach and teach across a wide area. Deiniol’s foundation in Bangor will have had an element of the clas to it. Beuno’s in Clynnog Fawr was one of the most prominent clas in Wales.
We’re borrowing the term Clas as the title for a fortnightly Zoom forum, convening on Mondays at 6.30pm, that will provide an opportunity to learn, discourse and reflect. Largely, Clas sessions these will feature the Sub-Dean and other members of the Cathedral team in conversation with a guest, about their life or a particular topic in which they’re the expert. There will then be an opportunity for questions and discussion. We expect each session to last between 45 minutes and an hour.
Please consider joining us in conversation and reflection. The Zoom meeting ID is 857 3402 4520 and the passcode is 606397, and the Zoom room will be open from 6.15pm. The first three sessions are English-language conversations; we look forward to broadening the provision over future weeks.
7 February
The Canon for Congregation Life and the Sub-Dean introducing our new sermon series, “Where the heart is”
21 February
The Sub-Dean in conversation with Mary Stallard, the new Assistant Bishop of Bangor
7 March
The Sub-Dean in conversation with Jordan Hillebert about the life and work of the theologian Henri de Lubac
Thursday Recitals
We’re delighted to be launching a series of Thursday Recitals, beginning in February.
A 45 minute selection of music will be performed each Thursday at 11.15am, finishing just in time to enjoy lunch in the city or attend the daily Holy Eucharist at 12.30pm. From 10.45am tea, coffee and cakes will be served.
Entrance will be free of charge though donations are invited.
Throughout February the recitalists are members of the “home team”:
3 February
Joe Cooper
Director of Music
10 February
Martin Brown
17 February
Sarah Jones
Head of Choral Development
24 February
Harry Sullivan
Organ Scholar
Please note the slot in your diaries, and please spread the news to others who might be interested in joining us.
Buchedd Bangor
The new magazine of Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral in Bangor
This first edition is a companion to the period from Advent Sunday (28 November) until the end of Christmastide on Candlemas Day (30 January). It offers a mixture of devotional material and practical knowledge about our life together.
Click on the image above to read a copy.
The intention is to publish five issues of Buchedd Bangor over the course of the year, each coinciding with a specific period in the Cathedral’s worshipping life, and complementing a series of Sunday morning sermons that will guide us through each period.
All that takes place at the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol, is sustained by your generosity. By making a donation, you help us to continue our essential work.
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Almighty God, who inspired your bishop Deiniol to gather around him a community to live the common life: grant that we, who honour his memory, may work to build up the family of your Church in faith and hope and love; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.