O'r Ddarllenfa
Y newyddion diweddaraf o Gadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor a Bro Deiniol
Hysbys wythnosol
Cyfres bregethu
“Yno bydd dy galon” (Mathew 6:21)
Y Grawys yw ein cyfnod yn yr anialwch, pan fo hunan-arholi, hunanymwadiad, astudiaeth a haelioni yn ein cynorthwyo i ailgyfeirio ein hunain tuag at Dduw. Wrth inni droi at Grist, mae gras Duw yn cwrdd â ni mewn sacramentau a defodau sy’n sancteiddio’n calonnau. Mae ein pregethau boreu Sul dros yr wythnosau hyn – wrth inni baratoi ar gyfer a chadw Grawys bendithiol – yn ein gwahodd i fyfyrio ar y sacramentau a’r defodau sy’n gyfarwydd inni; ac maent yn cloi gyda threm dros litwrgïau a defodau gweddnewidiol yr Wythnos Fawr a’r Tridiau Sanctaidd. Bydd aelodau o dîm y Gadeirlan a gwesteion arbennig yn ein tywys i ddeall mai “yno bydd dy galon.”
Yr wythnos hon, pregethau'n Canon dros Fywyd Cynulleidfaol ar “Anadlodd yn eu ffroenau anadl einioes” | Glân Fedydd.
Canon Tracy Jones
Rydym yn falch o rannu’r newydd i’r Archesgob benodi Canon Tracy Jones yn Ddeon Bro ac yn Is-Gadeirydd y Synod yn Archddiaconiaeth Bangor. Bydd Tracy yn cynorthwyo Archddiacon Bangor trwy ddarparu cefnogaeth fugeiliol a chenhadol i Arweinwyr Ardaloedd Gweinidogaeth a chlerigion yr Archddiaconiaeth.
Bydd ein Canon dros Fywyd Cynulleidfaol yn arddel y weinidogaeth hon yn ychwanegol i’w gweinidogaeth yn y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol. Fel rhan o weinidogaeth y Gadeirlan i’r esgobaeth ehangach, bydd Tracy yn cynnig dau ddydd Sul y mis a pheth amser bob wythnos i’w gweinidogaeth yn yr Archddiaconiaeth.
Mae’r Archesgob wedi penodi Tracy i olynu’r Parchg Lloyd Jones a fu farw’n drist iawn ym mis Rhagfyr 2020.
Caiff ein Canon dros Fywyd Cynulleidfaol ei thrwyddedu’n Ddeon Bro ac Is-Gadeirydd y Synod mewn gwasanaeth Gosber ar Gân ar ddydd Sul 20 Chwefror am 3.30pm. Estynnir croeso cynnes i bawb.
Ysgrifenna’r Is-Ddeon:
Rwy’n falch iawn, yn ogystal â’i dyletswydd fel Canon dros Fywyd Cynulleidfaol yn y Gadeirlan, y bydd Tracy’n gallu cynnig y gefnogaeth hon i’r Archddiaconiaeth. Bydd Tracy yn gydweithiwr gwerthfawr i Archddiacon Bangor wrth iddi hithau arddel cyfrifoldebau ychwanegol fel Esgob Cynorthwyol. Gwn y bydd yr Archddiaconiaeth ehangach yn gwerthfawrogi doethineb a diffiantrwydd Tracy, yr ydym yn elwa cymaint ohono yn y Gadeirlan.
Y Côr yng Nghadeirlan Caer
Bydd Côr y Gadeirlan yn canu’r Gosber ar Gân yng Nghadeirlan Caer nos Sadwrn 19 Chwefror am 5.30pm, gan gynnwys gosodiad Cymraeg Dilys Elwyn-Edwards o Salm 23.
Mae croseo cynnes i unrhywun fynychu’r gwasanaeth yng Nghaer.
Mae yna gaboli a thwtian i’w wneud cyn y Cysegriad Esgobol i’w gynnal yn y Gadeirlan ar 26 Chwefror.
Os hoffech chi helpu gyda’r glanhau, siaradwch â Canon Tracy Jones neu Canon Jane Coutts.
Yn dilyn y sêl llwyddiannus o stoc Nadoligaidd y siop ym mis Rhagfyr, bydd sêl arall yn cael ei gynnal ar ôl gwasanaethau’r Sul o’r Sul nesaf ymlaen, a bargeinion ar gael.
Gobeithiwn ail-ddechrau gwerthu llyfrau dethol yn ystod y Grawys, a da fydd cynnull y rhai fu’n gwirfoddoli yn y siop maes o law.
Datganiadau Paned
Pob dydd Iau
11.15am am 45 munud
Paned a chacen o 10.45am
Braf oedd gweld cymaint o bobl yn y cyntaf o’n Datganiadau Paned newydd ddydd Iau diwethaf, i glywed ein Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd yn rhoi’r organ ar waith.
Mae rhaglen lawn ar gyfer y tymor i ddod yn ymddangos yn rhifyn newydd Buchedd Bangor. Cefnogwch y fenter hon os gallwch, a lledaenwch y newyddion.
10 Chwefror
Martin Brown | Organ
17 Chwefror
Sarah Jones | Soprano
Clas yw’r teitl ar gyfer fforwm Zoom bob pythefnos, a fydd yn ymgynnull ar ddydd Llun am 6.30pm, i roi cyfle inni ddysgu, trafod a myfyrio.
Ystyriwch ymuno â ni mewn sgwrs a myfyrdod. ID cyfarfod Zoom yw 857 3402 4520 a’r cod pas yw 606397, a bydd yr ystafell Zoom ar agor o 6.15pm.
Mae rhaglen lawn o bum sesiwn ar gyfer y tymor i ddod yn ymddangos yn rhifyn newydd Buchedd Bangor. Ystwyriwch fynychu os gallwch, a lledaenwch y newyddion.
21 Chwefror
Yr Is-Ddeon mewn sgwrs â Mary Stallard, Esgob Cynorthwyol newydd Bangor
7 Mawrth
Yr Is-Ddeon mewn sgwrs â Jordan Hillebert am fywyd a gwaith y diwinydd Henri de Lubac
Buchedd Bangor
Ail rifyn cylchgrawn newydd Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor
Mae’r rhifyn hwn yn gydymaith i’r cyfnod o Chwefror hyd y Tridiau Sanctaidd. Fe geir ynddo gymysgedd o ddefnydd ysbrydol a gwybodaeth ymarferol am ein bywyd ar y cyd.
Cliciwch ar y llun uchod i ddarllen copi.
Y bwriad yw cyhoeddi pum rhifyn o Buchedd Bangor dros y flwyddyn, a phob un yn cyd-fynd â chyfnod penodol ym mywyd addoli’r Gadeirlan, ac â chyfres o bregethau ar fore Sul i’n tywys drwy’r cyfnod hwnnw.
Ewch â chopi i eraill fel cyflwyniad i fywyd a bwrlwm y Gadeirlan.
Mae popeth sy’n digwydd yn y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol yn cael ei gynnal gan eich haelioni chi. Trwy roi rhodd, rydych yn ein helpu i barhau â’n gwaith hanfodol.
Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am O'r Ddarllenfa ac hysbysiadau eraill o'r Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol
Hollalluog Dduw, a ysbrydolaist dy esgob Deiniol i gasglu o’i gwmpas gymuned o Gristnogion i gyd-fyw bywyd cytun; caniatâ i ni, sy’n anrhydeddu’r cof amdano, weithio i atgyfnerthu teulu dy Eglwys mewn ffydd, gobaith a chariad; trwy Iesu Grist ein Gwaredwr. Amen.
From the Lectern
The latest news from Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor and the Ministry Area of Bro Deiniol
Weekly notices
Our sermon series
“Where the heart is” (Matthew 6:21)
Lent is our time in the wilderness, when self-examination, self-denial, study and generosity help us to reorientate ourselves towards God. As we turn to Christ, God’s grace meets us in sacraments and rites that hallow our hearts. Our Sunday morning sermons over these weeks – as we prepare for and keep a holy Lent – invite us to contemplate the sacraments and rites that are familiar to us; and they conclude with our anticipation of the life-changing liturgies and rites of Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum. Members of the Cathedral team and special guests will explore with us “where the heart is.”
This week, our Canon for Congregational Life preaches on “God breathed into them the breath of life” | Holy Baptism.
Canon Tracy Jones
We’re delighted to share the news that the Archbishop has appointed Canon Tracy Jones as Area Dean and Synod Vice Chair in the Archdeaconry of Bangor. Tracy will be assisting the Archdeacon of Bangor through providing pastoral and missional support to the Ministry Area Leaders and clergy of the Archdeaconry.
Our Canon for Congregational Life will be exercizing this ministry in addition to her ministry at the Cathedral and within Bro Deiniol. As part of the Cathedral’s ministry to the wider diocese, Tracy will be able to dedicate two Sundays a month and some time each week to her ministry in the Archdeaconry.
The Archbishop has appointed Tracy to succeed the Revd Lloyd Jones who sadly passed away in December 2020.
Our Canon for Congregational Life will be licensed as Area Dean and Synod Vice Chair at a service of Choral Evensong on Sunday 20 February at 3.30pm. A warm welcome is extended to all.
The Sub-Dean writes:
I am very glad that, in addition to her duties as Canon for Congregational Life at the Cathedral, Tracy will be able to offer this support to the Archdeaconry. Tracy will be a valued colleague of the Archdeacon of Bangor as she takes on the additional responsibility as Assistant Bishop. I know that Tracy’s gentle wisdom and unflappability, from which we benefit so much at the Cathedral, will also be greatly appreciated within the broader Archdeaconry.
The Choir in Chester Cathedral
The Cathedral Choir will be singing Choral Evensong at Chester Cathedral on Saturday 19 February at 5.30pm, including Dilys Elwyn-Edwards’ Welsh-language setting of Psalm 23.
All are welcome to attend the service in Chester.
Spring clean
There’s some polishing and dusting to be done ahead of the Episcopal Consecration to be held at the Cathedral on 26 February.
If you’d like to help with the spring clean, please speak to Canon Tracy Jones or Canon Jane Coutts.
Following the successful sale of the Christmas merchandise from the shop in December, a further sale will be held after Sunday services from next Sunday, with bargains to be had.
We hope to resume selling select books during Lent, and look forward to gathering the shop volunteers for an update before long.
Coffee-break Recitals
11.15am for 45 minutes
Tea, coffee and cake from 10.45am
It was a delight to see over 60 people at our new Coffee-break Recitals last Thursday.
A full programme for the coming season appears in the new edition of Buchedd Bangor. Please support this venture if you can, and please spread the news.
17 February
Sarah Jones | Soprano
24 February
Stephen Matthews | Tenor
Clas is our new fortnightly Zoom forum, convening on Mondays at 6.30pm, that provide an opportunity to learn, discourse and reflect.
Please consider joining us in conversation and reflection. The Zoom meeting ID is 857 3402 4520 and the passcode is 606397, and the Zoom room will be open from 6.15pm.
A full programme of five sessions for the coming season appears in the new edition of Buchedd Bangor. Please consider attending if you can, and please spread the news.
21 February
The Sub-Dean in conversation with Mary Stallard, the new Assistant Bishop of Bangor
7 March
The Sub-Dean in conversation with Jordan Hillebert about the life and work of the theologian Henri de Lubac
Buchedd Bangor
The second edition of Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral in Bangor's new magazine
This second edition is a companion to the period from February until the Sacred Triduum. It offers a mixture of devotional material and practical knowledge about our life together.
Click on the image above to read a copy.
The intention is to publish five issues of Buchedd Bangor over the course of the year, each coinciding with a specific period in the Cathedral’s worshipping life, and complementing a series of Sunday morning sermons that will guide us through each period.
All that takes place at the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol, is sustained by your generosity. By making a donation, you help us to continue our essential work.
Subscribe to receive email notification of From the Lectern and other announcements from the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol
Almighty God, who inspired your bishop Deiniol to gather around him a community to live the common life: grant that we, who honour his memory, may work to build up the family of your Church in faith and hope and love; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.