O'r Ddarllenfa
Y newyddion diweddaraf o Gadeirlan Deiniol Sant ym Mangor a Bro Deiniol
Hysbys wythnosol
Bu’n hyfryd cael y Gadeirlan ar agor bob dydd yr wythnos ddiwethaf hon, o ddydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn, rhwng 11am a 3pm, i groesawu cynifer o ymwelwyr a phererinion.
Da hefyd oedd cael cynulleidfa ar gyfer pob un o’n dathliadau beunyddiol o’r Cymun Bendigaid am 12.30pm.
Rhaid wrth ein stiwardiaid ymroddedig i alluogi hyn oll.
Os y gallwch chi ymuno â’r tîm stiwardio trwy gynnig dwy awr o’ch amser, yn wythnosol, bob pythefnos neu bob mis, siaradwch â’r Canon Bywyd Cynulleidfaol.
“Cymun Deiniol”
Mae’n hyfryd bod y Côr bellach yn cyfrannu at y Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân am 9.15am yn ogystal a’r Choral Holy Eucharist am 11am pob Sul.
Mae hefyd yn fuddiol bod ein haddoliad corawl Cymraeg yn cael ei gyfoethogi gan gyfansoddiadau a gosodiadau newydd.
Mae’n cyfansoddiad newydd cyntaf yn cael ei ganu y bore yma.
Cyfansoddwyd “Cymun Deiniol” gan aelod o Gôr y Gadeirlan, Simon Ogdon. Wrth siarad am ei gyfansoddiad newydd, meddai Simon,
Rwy’n falch iawn o gael y cyfle i berfformio fy nghyfansoddiad newydd yma. Yn arddulliadol, rwyf wedi ceisio benthyg o draddodiad corawl Anglicanaidd cyfansoddwyr megis Harold Darke a Herbert Sumsion, yn ogystal ag o alawon gwych emynyddiaeth Gymreig, i greu gwaith a fydd yn cydymdeimlo â’r litwrgi ac â hunaniaeth y lle hwn.
Mae’n diolch yn fawr i Simon am roi ei ddoniau ar waith yma, ac i’n Cyfarwyddwr Cerdd am arwain y datblygiadau newydd hyn yn fedrus.
Meddai George Herbert, un o brif bersoniaid llengar yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg, mai’r “galon ar bererindod” yw gweddi. Pan weddïwn weddïau o ymbil – hynny yw, wrth weddïo dros eraill – rydym yn cynnal gerbron Duw y pryderon sy’n drwm ar ein calon. Fe’n gelwir, pob un ohonom, i weddïo ein hunain, yn breifat ac yn ddyddiol.
- Yn ein Cymun Bendigaid ar y Sul ac yn feunyddiol, fe’n harweinir mewn ymbiliau ar y cyd. Yn benodol, gweddïwn yn ôl eu henw dros y rhai sy’n glâf, y rhai a fu farw’n ddiweddar, a’r rhai y mae dydd eu marw (“gŵyl goffa”) yn cwympo ar yr adeg hon. Ar y ddarlithell yng nghefn Corff yr Eglwys, bydd rhestr bob amser i’w chael; ychwanegwch iddi enwau’r rheini sydd i’w cynnwys yn ein gweddïau. Os ydych ymaith o’r Gadeirlan, cysylltwch ag aelod o dîm y Gadeirlan gyda cheisiadau gweddi.
- Rydym hefyd yn dechrau creu “Llyfr Capel Côr” – rhestr o’r rhai y dylid gweddïo drostynt yn flynyddol ar eu gŵyl goffa. (Daw'r enw o'r arfer traddodiadol o sefydlu Capel Côr ynghlwm i eglwysi, ymhle y cenid y Cymun er côf am y meirw. Roedd sawl capel o'r fath, yn gysegredig i Sant Ioan Fedyddiwr, Sant Ioan yr Efengylydd a'r Santes Farged yn y Gadeirlan hon.) Mae’r rhai fu farw yn aros yng nghwmni Crist, fel yr arhoswn ninnau is y rhod, am ddyfodiad Nefoedd Newydd a Daear Newydd; yr ydym mewn cymundeb â hwy; a dylem weddïo drostynt fel y gweddïwn dros ein gilydd. Mae ail restr ar y ddarlithell ar gyfer ychwanegu enwau (a dyddiadau) at y Llyfr Capel Côr. Gellir hefyd anfon enwau (a dyddiadau) at aelod o dîm y Gadeirlan.
- Mae Coffadwriaeth yr Holl Eneidiau, yn gynnar ym mis Tachwedd, yn gyfle blynyddol i ddal gerbron Duw mewn gweddi y ffyddloniaid ymadawedig. Byddwn yn coffáu’r Holl Eneidiau gyda Chymun Bendigaid ar Gân dros y Meirw am 5.30pm ddydd Iau 4 Tachwedd. Bydd y Côr yn canu gosodiad Fauré o’r Requiem. Bydd y Cymun yn cael ei gynnig dros yr holl ffyddloniaid ymadawedig; ond bydd unigolion yn cael eu cofio yn ôl eu henw yn ystod yr ymbiliau. Ychwanegwch enwau at y rhestr yng nghefn Corff yr Eglwys neu arlein yma. Bydd enwau a ychwanegir at y Llyfr Capel Côr yn cael eu cynnwys heb fod angen eu hychwanegu at y rhestr Holl Eneidiau ar wahân.
- Yn olaf, os hoffech chi ystyried ymuno â’r tîm bach sy’n arwain yr ymbiliau yn y Cymun ar y Sul, siaradwch â’r Canon Bywyd Cynulleidfaol neu’r Is-Ddeon. Ceir cynefino a chefnogaeth.
Cyfarfod Cynulleidfaol
Bydd Cyfarfod Cynulleidfaol, fydd yn canolbwyntio ar gynigion i warchod ac adnewyddu Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant wrth inni baratoi i ddathlu mileniwm a hanner ers ei sefydlu, yn cael ei gynnal yn y Gadeirlan am 5.30pm ar ddydd Iau 21 Hydref.
Llyfryn Hydref 2021
Mynnwch gopi o’r llyfryn Hydref 2021, sy’n cynnwys llythyr oddi wrth yr Is-Ddeon, cynlluniau am y misoedd nesaf, apeliadau am gymorth, ac amlinelliad o’n defodau tan Ŵyl Crist y Brenin.
Ar y Sul ar hyn o bryd
O'r Sul hwn tan ddiwedd Tachwedd, bydd ein patrwm addoli yng Nghadeirlan Deiniol Sant yn cynnwys:
- dathliad o’r Holy Eucharist am 8.15am (gwasanaeth Saesneg)
- dathliad o’r Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân am 9.15am (yn llawen, yn lliwgar ac yn gerddorol yng Nghorff yr Eglwys; gwasanaeth Cymraeg)
- dathliad o’r Choral Holy Eucharist am 11am (eto, yn llawen, yn lliwgar ac yng Nghorff yr Eglwys; gwasanaeth Saesneg).
Caiff paned ei weini rhwng y Cymun 9.15am ac 11am – gyda gwahoddiad i aros ar ôl y Cymun 9.15am, neu ddod yn gynnar ar gyfer y Cymun 11am; bydd diodydd oer yn cael eu gweini ar ôl y Cymun 11am.
Mae popeth sy’n digwydd yn y Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol yn cael ei gynnal gan eich haelioni chi. Trwy roi rhodd, rydych yn ein helpu i barhau â’n gwaith hanfodol.
Atgyweirio hanfodol
Dros y misoedd i ddod, rydym yn wynebu costau atgyweirio sylweddol iawn.
Bydd angen i ni wario £22,000 ar waith iechyd a diogelwch brys – disodli rhai gwifrau trydanol hynafol, gosod mân daclau golau newydd, a diogelu’r adeilad gyda system canfod tân.
Bydd angen i ni hefyd wario £18,000 ychwanegol ar waith strwythurol a gwaith adfer – gan atal treiddiad dŵr niweidiol pellach yn Nhŵr Skeffington a Thŵr Scott, ailaddurno wal yr eil ddeheuol, ac ail-baentio wynebau’r cloc a drysau’r Gadeirlan.
Bydd yr atgyweiriadau hyn yn paratoi’r ffordd ar gyfer prosiect mwy i warchod ac adnewyddu Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant wrth inni baratoi i dathlu ein penblwydd yn fileniwm a hanner maes o law.
Os gallwch chi helpu gyda rhodd arbennig, waeth pa mor fawr neu fach, siaradwch ag aelod o dîm y Gadeirlan.
Tanysgrifiwch i dderbyn hysbys ar e-bost am O'r Ddarllenfa ac hysbysiadau eraill o'r Gadeirlan a Bro Deiniol
Hollalluog Dduw, a ysbrydolaist dy esgob Deiniol i gasglu o’i gwmpas gymuned o Gristnogion i gyd-fyw bywyd cytun; caniatâ i ni, sy’n anrhydeddu’r cof amdano, weithio i atgyfnerthu teulu dy Eglwys mewn ffydd, gobaith a chariad; trwy Iesu Grist ein Gwaredwr. Amen.
From the Lectern
The latest news from Saint Deiniol's Cathedral in Bangor and the Ministry Area of Bro Deiniol
Weekly notices
It has been wonderful to have the Cathedral open every day this past week, Monday to Saturday, from 11am until 3pm, to welcome so many visitors and pilgrims, and to have a congregation for each of our weekday celebrations of the Holy Eucharist at 12.30pm.
This has only been possible because of our dedicated stewards.
If you think you might be able to join the stewarding team by offering two hours of your time, weekly, fortnightly or monthly, please speak to the Canon for Congregational Life.
“Cymun Deiniol”
It’s wonderful that the Choir is now contributing to the 9.15am Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân and the 11am Holy Eucharist on a Sunday.
It’s additionally rewarding that our Welsh-language choral worship is being enriched by newly-commissioned settings and arrangements.
The first such new setting is being sung this Sunday morning at the Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân.
“Cymun Deiniol” has been composed by a member of the Cathedral Choir, Simon Ogdon. Talking about his new composition, Simon said,
I am very pleased to have the opportunity for my new composition to be performed here. Stylistically, I have tried to borrow both from Anglican vernacular of composers like Harold Darke, Herbert Sumsion, as well as from the great Welsh hymn tunes, to create a work that will be sympathetic to both the liturgy and the identity of this place.
We are grateful to Simon for placing his gifts at the service of the Cathedral, and to our Director of Music for leading these new developments so ably.
The seventeenth-century poet, George Herbert, called prayer the “heart in pilgrimage.” When we pray prayers of intercession – that is to say, when we pray for others – we hold before God the concerns that weigh on our heart. We are, each of us, called to pray ourselves, privately and daily.
- At our Sunday and weekday Eucharists, we are led in corporate prayers of intercession. In particular, we hold in prayer by name those who are unwell, those who have died recently, and those whose anniversaries of death (“year’s mind”) fall at this time. These names are published in the printed order of service (downloadable above). On the legilium at the back of the Nave, a list will always be present; please add names of those to be included in our prayers. If you are away from the Cathedral, please contact a member of the Cathedral team with prayer requests.
- We are also beginning to form a “Chantry Book” – a list of those to be prayed for annually on the anniversary of their death. (A "Chantry Book" takes its name from the ancient pattern of Chantry Chapels, at which the Eucharist would be offered for the departed. There was several such chapels, dedicated to St John the Baptist, St John the Evangelist and St Margaret, attached to the Cathedral.) Those who have died are waiting with Christ, as we do here, for the coming of New Heaven and a New Earth; we are in communion with them; and we ought to pray for them as we pray for one another. A second list is on the legilium for names (and dates) to be added to the Chantry Book. If you are away from the Cathedral, please contact a member of the Cathedral team with names and dates for our Chantry Book.
- The Commemoration of All Souls, early in November, in an annual opportunity for hold before God in prayer the faithful departed. We will be commemorating All Souls with a Choral Eucharist of Requiem at 5.30pm on Thursday 4 November. The Choir will sing Fauré’s setting of the Requiem. The Eucharist will be offered for all the faithful departed; but individuals will be remembered by name during the intercessions. Please add names to the list at the back of the Nave or online here. Names added to the Chantry Book will be included without needing to be added to the separate All Souls list.
- Finally, if you would like to explore joining the small team who lead prayers of intercession at the Sunday Eucharists, please speak to the Canon for Congregational Life or the Sub-Dean. Induction and support will be provided.
Congregational Meeting
A Congregational Meeting, focusing on proposals to conserve and recondition Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral as we prepare to celebrate our millennium and a half anniversary, will be held in the Cathedral at 5.30pm on Thursday 21 October.
Autumn 2021 booklet
Be sure to get a copy of the Autumn 2021 booklet, which includes a letter from the Sub-Dean, plans for the coming months, appeals for help, and an outline of our observances until the Feast of Christ the King.
On Sundays
From this Sunday until the end of November, our pattern of worship at Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral consists of:
- a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8.15am (quietly in the Presbytery; an English-language service)
- a celebration of the Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân at 9.15am (joyfully, colourfully and musically in the Nave; a Welsh-language service)
- a celebration of the Choral Holy Eucharist at 11am (again, joyfully, colourfully and musically in the Nave; an English-language service)
Coffee and tea are served between the 9.15am and 11am Eucharist – please stay after the 9.15am Eucharist, or come early for the 11am Eucharist; a drinks reception follows the 11am Eucharist.
All that takes place at the Cathedral and Bro Deiniol, is sustained by your generosity. By making a donation, you help us to continue our essential work.
Vital repairs
Over the months ahead, we’re facing very substantial repair costs.
We will need to spend £22,000 on urgent health and safety work – replacing some ancient electrical wiring, installing new light fittings, and protecting the building with a fire detection system.
We will also need to spend another £18,000 on structural and restoration work – preventing further damaging water penetration in the Skeffington Tower and the Scott Tower, redecorating the south aisle wall, and repainting the clock faces and the Cathedral doors.
These repairs will pave the way for a bigger project to conserve and recondition Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral as we prepare to celebrate our millennium and a half anniversary.
If you are able to help with a special donation, no matter how large or small, please speak to a member of the Cathedral team.
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Almighty God, who inspired your bishop Deiniol to gather around him a community to live the common life: grant that we, who honour his memory, may work to build up the family of your Church in faith and hope and love; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.