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Rhaglen o Ddarlithoedd Cyhoeddus

Mae’n bleser gennym lansio pedair darlith gyhoeddus flynyddol newydd am y tro cyntaf eleni, pob un ohonynt yn cael eu cynnal er cof am ffigurau pwysig o fywyd y Gadeirlan a’r esgobaeth.

Mae amrywiaeth gyfoethog o bynciau i'w harchwilio, o bensaernïaeth i wleidyddiaeth ac o Anglicaniaeth ryngwladol i gyfiawnder hiliol. 

A bydd darlithwyr o fri, o bob cwr o Gymru a thu hwnt, yn ymweld â’r Gadeirlan i rannu eu syniadau.

Mae mynediad i bob un o'r darlithoedd am ddim, ac nid oes angen cofrestru. Mae croeso cynnes i bawb.

Bydd pob ddarlith yn dechrau am 6.30pm. 

Cynhelir derbyniad gwin o 6pm, ac eto ar ôl y ddarlith. 

Cenir Gosber ar Gân yn y Gadeirlan am 5.30pm, ac mae croeso i bawb ymuno â'n haddoliad.

5 Mai
Darlith Goffa’r Dr Enid Pierce Roberts ar Hanes a Diwylliant Cymru

Yr Athro Richard Wyn Jones

Pam fod Llafur yn ennill eto ac eto ac eto? Deall canrif o lwyddiant etholiadol yng Nghymru

19 Mai
Darlith Goffa'r Tra Pharchg Trevor Evans ar Genhadaeth ac Efengylu

Y Parchg Ganon Mark Clavier

Anglicaniaid bwriadol, nid Anglicaniaid hap a damwain: Yr hyn y gall Anglicaniaid byd-eang ei ddysgu inni am weinidogaeth a chenhadaeth

13 Hydref
Darlith Goffa'r Parchg Ddr Margaret Thrall ar Ddiwinyddiaeth a’i Arfer

Y Parchg Jarel Robinson Brown

O Calchedon i Minneapolis: Crist a’r corff Du anghaffaeladwy

27 Hydref
Darlith Goffa'r Gwir Barchg Anthony Crockett ar Eglwysoleg a Hanes yr Eglwys

Canon Janet Gough

Beth yw’r ots gennyf i am y Fictoriaid? George Gilbert Scott a phensaernïaeth eglwysig Fictoraidd


Programme of Public Lectures

We’re delighted to be hosting four new annual public lectures for the first time this year, each of them held in memory of important figures from the life of the Cathedral and the diocese.

A rich range of subjects awaits, from architecture to politics and from international Anglicanism to racial justice. 

And a stellar cast of lecturers, from across Wales and beyond, will be visiting the Cathedral to share their insights.

Entry is free, and there is no need for prior registration. All are welcome.

Each lecture will begin at 6.30pm. 

A free drinks reception is held from 6pm, and again after the lecture. 

Choral Evensong is sung at the Cathedral at 5.30pm, and all are welcome to join our worship.

5 May
The Dr Enid Pierce Roberts Memorial Lecture in Welsh History and Culture

Professor Richard Wyn Jones

Why does Labour win again and again and again? Understanding a century of electoral success in Wales

19 May
The Very Revd Trevor Evans Memorial Lecture in Mission and Evangelism

The Revd Canon Mark Clavier

Anglicans by intention rather than by accident: What global Anglicans can teach us about ministry and mission

13 October
The Revd Dr Margaret Thrall Memorial Lecture in Theology and Praxis

The Revd Jarel Robinson Brown

From Chalcedon to Minneapolis: Christ and the elusive Black body

27 October
The Rt Revd Anthony Crockett Memorial Lecture in Ecclesiology and Church History

Canon Janet Gough

What have the Victorians ever done for us? George Gilbert Scott and Victorian church architecture