2 Ebrill | Sul y Blodau
Holy Eucharist
Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Gorymdaith y Palmwydd
Yr Is-Ddeon yn pregethu
Offeren fach yr Organ, Haydn
Hosanna i Fab Dafydd, Victoria
Gorymdaith ar “Lift up your heads” gan Handel, Guilmant
Choral Holy Eucharist with the Procession of Palms
The Sub-Dean preaching
Missa Aedis Christi, Mathias
Hosanna to the Son of David, Weelkes
Valet will ich dir geben, BWV 736, Bach
Dioddefaint Sant Ioan, J. S. Bach
Côr Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant
Corws Prifysgol Bangor
Ensemble 525
Tom Castle, Efengylydd
Jack Redman, Christus
Joe Cooper, arweinydd
Tocynnau | £15 | £10 gostyngiadau | £5 myfyrwyr | £5 plant
3 Ebrill | Y Llun Glân
Cymun Bendigaid y Crism | Chrism Holy Eucharist
6.00pm Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid • Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Malcolm Guite yn pregethu | preaching
Offeren Tri Llais | Mass for Three Voices, Byrd
Salmau Cân, Gibbons
O salutaris hostia, Elgar
4 Ebrill | Y Mawrth Glân
Cymun Bendigaid | Holy Eucharist
6.00pm Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid • Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Malcolm Guite yn pregethu | preaching
Offeren Pedwar Llais | Mass for Four Voices, Byrd
Salmau Cân, Gibbons
Nolo mortem peccatoris, Morley
5 Ebrill | Y Mercher Glân
Cymun Bendigaid | Holy Eucharist
6.00pm Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid • Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Malcolm Guite yn pregethu | preaching
Offeren Pum Llais | Mass for Five Voices, Byrd
Salmau Cân, Gibbons
Salvator Mundi I, Tallis
6 Ebrill | Dydd Iau Cablyd
Cymun Bendigaid (yr Iau Glân) | Holy Eucharist (of Holy Thursday)
6.00pm Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân y Swper Olaf â Golchi’r Traed • Choral Holy Eucharist of the Last Supper with the Washing of Feet
Yr Is-Ddeon yn pregethu | The Sub-Dean preaching
Offeren yn E leddf | Mass in E flat, “Cantus Missae”, Rheinberger
Tantum Ergo, Duruflé
yna Gwylfa Gethsemane
Cwmplin y Dioddefaint | Compline of the Passion
7 Ebrill | Dydd Gwener y Groglith
Litwrgi’r Dioddefaint | The Liturgy of the Passion
Dioddefaint Sant Ioan | Saint John Passion, Victoria
Sgwrsio ag Alex Mills | Alex Mills in Conversation
Sgwrs cyn y perfformiad gyda chyfansoddwr ein comisiwn ar gyfer yr Wythnos Fawr, Saith Air y Groes
Saith Air y Groes
Saith Air y Groes, Alex Mills
Côr Cadeirlan Deiniol Sant
Ensemble 525
Joe Cooper, arweinydd
8 Ebrill | Noswyl y Pasg
6.00pm Gwylnos a Chymun Bendigaid Cyntaf y Pasg ar Gân | Choral Vigil and First Holy Eucharist of Easter
Missa Brevis, Dove
Seek him that maketh the seven stars, Dove
Incantation pour un jour saint, Langlais
9 Ebrill | Sul y Pasg
Holy Eucharist
Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân
Yr Esgob Cynorthwyol yn pregethu
Missa Brevis in C, Gounod
Hwn ydyw’r dydd, Evans
Acclamations, Langlais
Choral Holy Eucharist
The Assistant Bishop preaching
Spatzenmesse, Mozart
Hallelujah!, Handel
Alleluia, Dubois
Gosber ar Gân | Choral Evensong
Ymatebion | Responses, Ayleward
Second Evening Service in E flat, Wood
Blessed be the God and Father, Wesley
Variations on an old Easter melody, West
2 April | Palm Sunday
Holy Eucharist
Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Gorymdaith y Palmwydd
Yr Is-Ddeon yn pregethu
Offeren fach yr Organ, Haydn
Hosanna i Fab Dafydd, Victoria
Gorymdaith ar “Lift up your heads” gan Handel, Guilmant
Choral Holy Eucharist with the Procession of Palms
The Sub-Dean preaching
Missa Aedis Christi, Mathias
Hosanna to the Son of David, Weelkes
Valet will ich dir geben, BWV 736, Bach
Saint John Passion, J. S. Bach
Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral Choir
Bangor University Chorus
Ensemble 525
Tom Castle, Evangelist
Jack Redman, Christus
Joe Cooper, conductor
Tickets | £15 | £10 concessions | £5 students | £5 children
3 April | Holy Monday
Cymun Bendigaid y Crism | Chrism Holy Eucharist
6.00pm Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid • Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Malcolm Guite yn pregethu | preaching
Offeren Tri Llais | Mass for Three Voices, Byrd
Salmau Cân, Gibbons
O salutaris hostia, Elgar
4 April | Holy Tuesday
Cymun Bendigaid | Holy Eucharist
6.00pm Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid • Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Malcolm Guite yn pregethu | preaching
Offeren Pedwar Llais | Mass for Four Voices, Byrd
Salmau Cân, Gibbons
Nolo mortem peccatoris, Morley
5 April | Holy Wednesday
Cymun Bendigaid | Holy Eucharist
6.00pm Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân a Bendithiad y Sagrafen Fendigaid • Choral Holy Eucharist and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Malcolm Guite yn pregethu | preaching
Offeren Pum Llais | Mass for Five Voices, Byrd
Salmau Cân, Gibbons
Salvator Mundi I, Tallis
6 April | Maundy Thursday
Cymun Bendigaid (yr Iau Glân) | Holy Eucharist (of Holy Thursday)
6.00pm Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân y Swper Olaf â Golchi’r Traed • Choral Holy Eucharist of the Last Supper with the Washing of Feet
Yr Is-Ddeon yn pregethu | The Sub-Dean preaching
Offeren yn E leddf | Mass in E flat, “Cantus Missae”, Rheinberger
Tantum Ergo, Duruflé
followed by the Watch of Gethsemane
Cwmplin y Dioddefaint | Compline of the Passion
7 April | Good Friday
Litwrgi’r Dioddefaint | The Liturgy of the Passion
Dioddefaint Sant Ioan | Saint John Passion, Victoria
Sgwrsio ag Alex Mills | Alex Mills in Conversation
A pre-performance conversation with the composer of our Holy Week commission, Saith Air y Groes
Saith Air y Groes
Saith Air y Groes • Seven Last Words from the Cross, Alex Mills
Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral Choir
Ensemble 525
Joe Cooper, conductor
8 April | Easter Eve
6.00pm Gwylnos a Chymun Bendigaid Cyntaf y Pasg ar Gân | Choral Vigil and First Holy Eucharist of Easter
Missa Brevis, Dove
Seek him that maketh the seven stars, Dove
Incantation pour un jour saint, Langlais
9 April | Easter Day
Holy Eucharist
Cymun Bendigaid ar Gân
Yr Esgob Cynorthwyol yn pregethu
Missa Brevis in C, Gounod
Hwn ydyw’r dydd, Evans
Acclamations, Langlais
Choral Holy Eucharist
The Assistant Bishop preaching
Spatzenmesse, Mozart
Hallelujah!, Handel
Alleluia, Dubois
Gosber ar Gân | Choral Evensong
Ymatebion | Responses, Ayleward
Second Evening Service in E flat, Wood
Blessed be the God and Father, Wesley
Variations on an old Easter melody, West