Penodiad newydd ar gyfer Canon Tracy Jones
Mae'n bleser i Esgob Bangor cyhoeddi penodiad y Parchedig Ganon Tracy Jones yn Ganon dros Weinidogaeth ac Addoliad yn Eglwys Gadeiriol Deiniol Sant, Bangor.
Cafodd Tracy ei geni a'i magu yn Leamington Spa. Hyfforddodd fel nyrs ac ar ôl cymhwyso gweithiodd fel Nyrs Bediatreg. Fe’i hordeiniwyd yn offeiriad yn 2013 yn yr esgobaeth ac mae wedi bod efo sawl rôl ac ers 2018 mae wedi bod yn Ficer ar y Cyd ym Mro Deiniol.
Wrth edrych ymlaen at ei rôl newydd, dywedodd Tracy:
Rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o Dîm Bro Deiniol ers 2 flynedd bellach ac yn yr amser hwnnw rwyf wedi dod i adnabod a charu'r eglwysi yma. Rwyf wedi mwynhau bod yn rhan o'r tîm ac wedi gwerthfawrogi'r gefnogaeth a gefais gan bawb. Yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf, mae'r her o ddylunio ffyrdd newydd o addoli wedi peri imi ailasesu fy ngweinidogaeth a'r hyn y gallai Duw fod yn galw arnaf iddo. Bydd y swydd newydd hon yn caniatáu imi gadw cysylltiad â'r holl bobl yr wyf wedi dod i'w hadnabod yma wrth ganolbwyntio fy ngweinidogaeth ar addoli yn yr eglwys gadeiriol. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda'r Deon wrth i ni archwilio ffyrdd newydd o addoli, cysylltu â'n cymunedau a'u gwasanaethu, wrth anrhydeddu ein traddodiad cadeiriol.Dywedodd Deon Bangor, Kathy Jones:
Rwy’n falch iawn bod Canon Tracy wedi’i benodi i’r swydd newydd a chyffrous hon. Bydd ganddi oruchwyliaeth ar waith o ddydd i ddydd a datblygiad gweinidogaeth ac addoliad y gadeirlan, gan hyrwyddo'r gadeirlan fel man o groeso wrth iddi wasanaethu ein Dinas a'n hesgobaeth. Mae Tracy yn dod ag ystod o brofiad a doethineb i’r rôl, mae hi eisoes uchel ei pharch o fewn tîm y Gadeirlan, cynulleidfaoedd y Gadeirlan ac Ardal Weinidogaeth, mae hi’n offeiriad talentog a chreadigol sydd wedi dangos yn ystod heriau’r flwyddyn ddiwethaf ei dawn i greu, datblygu a sefydlu litwrgïau meddylgar ac ystyrlon ar gyfer ein gwasanaethau dwyieithog ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb. Fel aelod o'r Cabidwl sy’n dal y brîff ar gyfer gofal bugeiliol, mae hi eisoes wedi dangos yr anrhegion hynny i gefnogi’r gynulleidfa a’r adran gerddoriaeth, a bydd y Gadeirlan yn cael ei bendithio gan bopeth a ddaw â hi i’r rôl hon.Hefyd wrth sôn am yr apwyntiad, dywedodd yr Esgob, Andy John:
Rwy'n falch iawn o gyhoeddi penodiad Canon Tracy i'r rôl newydd hon. Mae Tracy wedi gwasanaethu cymunedau Bro Deiniol yn ffyddlon ers cyrraedd ac mae wedi gweinidogaethu pobl Bangor gyda chalon fugeiliol. Edrychaf ymlaen at weld ei gweinidogaeth yn ffynnu yn y rôl hon.Gweddïwch dros Tracy a phobl Bro Deiniol wrth iddynt gychwyn ar bennod newydd yn eu bywydau.
New appointment for Canon Tracy Jones
The Bishop of Bangor is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Canon Tracy Jones as Canon for Ministry and Worship at St Deiniol’s Cathedral, Bangor.
Tracy was born and brought up in Leamington Spa. She trained as a nurse and upon qualifying worked as a Paediatric Nurse. She was ordained a priest in 2013 in the diocese and has held several roles and since 2018 has been Associate Vicar of Bro Deiniol.
Looking forward to her new role, Tracy said:
I have been part of the Bro Deiniol Team for 2 years now and in that time have come to know and love the churches here. I have enjoyed being part of the Bro Deiniol Team and have valued the support I have received from everyone. During the last few months, the challenge of designing new ways of worshipping has caused me to reassess my ministry and what God might be calling me to. This new post will allow me to maintain contact with all the people I have come to know here whilst focusing my ministry on worship within the cathedral. I am looking forward to working with the Dean whilst we explore new ways of worshipping, connecting with and serving our communities, whilst still honouring our cathedral tradition.
The Dean of Bangor, Kathy Jones, said
I am delighted that Canon Tracy has been appointed to this new and exciting post of Canon for Ministry and Worship. She will have oversight of the day to day work and development of the Cathedral's ministry and worship, promoting the cathedral as a place of welcome and hospitality as it serves our City and our Diocese. Tracy brings to the role a breadth of experience and wisdom, she is very much respected and loved already within the Cathedral team, Cathedral congregations and the wider Ministry Area, she is a talented and creative priest who has during the challenges of this past year show her flair for creating, developing and establishing, thoughtful and meaningful liturgies for our on line and face to face bilingual services. As Chapter member holding the brief for pastoral care, she has already demonstrated those gifts in support of the congregation and the music department, and the Cathedral will be blessed by all that she brings to this role.
Welcoming the appointment, the Bishop of Bangor, Andy John, said:
I’m delighted to announce the appointment of Canon Tracy to this new role. Tracy has served the communities of Bro Deiniol faithfully since arriving and has ministered the people of Bangor with a pastoral heart. I look forward to seeing her ministry flourish in this role.Please pray for Tracy and the people of Bro Deiniol as they enter a new chapter in their lives.